The life of a wire rope can be influenced positively by regular post-impregnation.To achieve the best service life it is – further to that – of decisive relevance that exclusively NYROSTEN products are used for both, the first preservation (when the wire rope is made) and the later post-impregnation resp. only thus it is possible to achieve the compatibility between first and post-impregnation and therewith the best care for the wire rope
NYROSTEN N113FS for heavily strained wire ropes,e.g. transport ropes (haulage ropes), pendant ropes, assembly ropes, hoisting ropes, guy ropes, slings, excavator ropes, drilling ropes, fishing ropes, lock ropes.
Instructions for after-preservation of Koepe hauling cables with NYROSTEN N113FS
1.) The Koepe hauling cable (upper rope) should be after-preserved when being dry, if possible.
2.) The Koepe hauling cable should be cleaned before the after-preservation to remove sticky pollution.
The following methods can be applied:
? Mechanical cleaning, e.g. by means of a so-called “hedgehog”. Attention has to be paid that the mechanical does not result in damage to the surface of the rope or the wires positioned on the outside.
? Spraying with a water jet (e.g. in salt-and coal mines)
3.) After the cleaning the rope should be blown with compressed air. Thus potentially sticking pollution is removed and the rope is dried at the same time.
4.) The application of the preserving agent NYROSTEN N 113FS is performed best by means of an spraying unit. It can also be applied manually, e.g. by means of a brush. A spraying unit to apply NYROSTEN N 113 FS can be purchased from Nyrosten company.
5.) The viscosity of NYROSTEN N113 FS is set for application with a spraying unit at standard temperature.
6.) The material pressure tank of the spraying unit is fed via a funnel in including sieve with NYROSTEN N113 FS. The sieve holds back potentially included foreign substance which otherwise would clog the spray nozzles.
7.) The amount fed to the tank or the amount applied to the length of rope to be preserved can be defined in compliance with length of rope and diameter. We recommend the application of 50…70g/m2 NYROSTEN N113 FS.So a 600-m long hauling rope with a diameter of 50 mm requires approx. 10 L of NYROSTEN N113 FS.
8.) Spraying should be performed at an air pressure of 3…5 bar.
9.) The speed of the rope during the spraying operation should be 4…6 m/s.
10.) If possible, spraying should be performed during the unwinding of the rope.
11.) Performing the after-preservation is best outside normal running operation, e.g. at the weekend.
12.) After approx.4 hours approx. 95% of the solvent has volatilized (at standard temperature). After test hoisting there should not be any problems with the coefficent of friction.
聯(lián)系方式:0411-87549113 87549112
傳 真:0411-87549110
版權所有:大連歐德潤滑制品有限公司 聯(lián)系電話(huà):0411-87549113 傳真:0411-87549110
地址:大連市經(jīng)濟技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)區雙D七街9號 遼ICP備17010369號